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Komal W

Komal Whittaker-Axon

Trustee – Board of Trustees

Komal has worked in the NHS for over 22 years starting her career as a clinic clerk in the oncology unit at UCLH, and has worked across all London Cancer Alliances in their previous forms over those 20 years. She has worked operationally across the majority of services in the acute settings including being the Head of Infection of Prevention and Control at Imperial for 5 years, and as Managing Director of the North East London Cancer Alliance, where she oversaw the delivery of the cancer alliance programme and worked with the regional and national cancer teams. More recently she has returned to a role as St Barts Cancer Centre Deputy Director of Operations, operationally and strategically managing cancer services.

Komal's primary role is being a Mum to two young daughters, and spends her spare time being a taxi driver for her children, and taking an active role in their swimming club, as a parent representative.